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Palmtech Complete - Basics
Learn the basics about Palmtech Complete.
How does an inspection with multiple templates work? (Web Report Writer)
How to add more than one inspector to an inspection
How do I preview and send inspection reports in the Web Report Writer?
How to resend an inspection agreement
How to reschedule an inspection
How to add more inspectors to your license
How do I start an inspection in the Web Report Writer?
Using locations while inspecting on-site
How do I start an inspection in the App?
Adding a cover photo to a report in the App
How does an inspection with multiple templates work? (App)
How do I preview and send inspection reports in the app?
Portal Inspections - Detailed view
Editing videos
Editing photos
Capture and delete photos or videos
Managing Automated Notifications
Live Data Sync
What is the Request List?
How to add diagrams
How to add additional details to a line (How do I use Additional Inputs)
Duplicate lines and categories in the Web Report Writer
Choose a default location for a comment
Adding a cover photo to a report in the Web Report Writer:
Setting up and using Optional lines and categories
Setting up Lines for your inspection template
Setting up Categories for your inspection template
Florida Wind Mitigation Form
Edit an inspection's contact(s)
Duplicate lines and categories
Using the Palmtech Complete template library
Locations (template editor)
How do I set default ratings?
Add and Edit Ratings in Palmtech Complete
Customizing templates
Template editor