This article is for the detailed view of an inspection. For the overview of inspections, see its guide: Inspections List view
Inspection Details
The detailed view provides all available details of an inspection at a glance
Report provides easy access to the inspection report generated by Palmtech Complete
The Completion status of the report can be seen through this view
The report can be seen using the View report button.
Using the Send report button will cause the report to be sent out manually
Activity provides a chronological log of the inspection's activity such as when it was scheduled, when the agreement was signed, and when payment was received
The Notifications tab shows the email notifications which have been sent out regarding this inspection
Editing an inspection's details
Every detail of an inspection can be changed using the blue edit buttons above each section. In the section below, you'll find details on how each section is edited.
Property Details
The details for a property, including things like its address and square footage, can be editted here.
This section includes a preview of the area around the property address
You can use your mouse or tap/swipes to move the map around, zoom in or out
To view the map in it's entirety can be seen by clicking/tapping the Open in browser button to the top right
Contacts allows you to edit the contact information for the client and agents attached to an inspection.
You may add or delete agents using this option
Names, emails, and phone numbers can be edited using this option
The contact information for the inspector providing the inspection service can be edited here
The Agreements section let's you add an agreement if one wasn't provided to the customer already. This section also let's you change the agreement in place for the inspection if it hasn't already been signed.
This section will allow you to edit the services section of the inspection.
A different service can be selected using this menu
Additional charges or discounts can be added here
To learn more about service visit the follow guide: Services
Quick summary
The section to the right provides a succint summary of the inspection details. It also provides a way to:
Reschedule the inspection to a different time and/or date
Open the Web Report Writer to perform the inspection
Cancel the inspection
Delete the inspection altogether