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Live Data Sync
Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over 2 months ago

Palmtech Complete includes Live Data Sync.

Live Data Sync automatically synchronizes data across devices and platforms. This means your information is saved and stored automatically with no extra steps needed to be done by you.

Live Data Sync is also available during inspections, making it so that any information you enter for an inspection shows up on all of your devices immediately and automatically. You can add new information to the app on one device, and it will automatically sync and become available on all of your other devices as well. This way, you always have access to the latest version of your information, no matter which device you are using.

Note: Live Data Sync requires an active internet connection to function. Palmtech Complete will automatically switch to offline mode if no internet connection is detected. Once an internet connection is detected, Live Data Sync will be activated automatically.

Working without an internet connection (offline)

The Palmtech Complete App also lets you work without an internet connection by switching to offline mode. Offline mode provides access to the inspections, agreements, services, and templates available to you before switching modes. Any changes made to these items will not be available to you until switching back online.

To switch to offline mode, use the mode toggle button found within the app. The button can be accessed in several locations within the app in the top-right corner of the screen.


Switching to offline mode in the app

When switching to offline mode you'll receive a confirmation request pop-up which asks you to confirm you want to switch modes. After confirming, a notification indicating that offline mode has been turned on successfully will appear.

Switching back online in the app

When offline, to go back online, simply tap the mode toggle button once again. A confirmation request pop-up will appear again asking you to confirm your choice. After confirming you want to go back online Palmtech Complete will sync your inspections, agreements, services, and templates.
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