Palmtech Complete lets you create a catalog of your company services so that they are available for selection when scheduling a new inspection. After a new service is added to your catalog it can be selected during the Services section of the inspection creation workflow.
The Services catalog provides a great way to have different price points for similar services provided by your company. For example, you can have two services in your catalog which are for home inspections but one is for small homes and another for large homes.
Getting started
The section of the portal where you can find all the catalog of services provided by your company is called Services. It's organized in a list that is easy to navigate. The Services catalog is accessed via the Services and Fees section of Account Settings.
Add new services provided by your company to Palmtech Complete:
Edit existing services (e.g. change service fee):
Delete a service you no longer offer:
Creating a new service
To create a new service follow these steps:
From the portal Dashboard, click on your profile name and picture in the top right corner
Choose Settings
Within the Account Settings view, click on the Services and Fees button in the top-right
βThe Services screen will now appear letting you add a new service
Click the green Add new + button to the right of the screen
βFill out the Add Service screen that pop-ups with the details of the service
Service Name is used to identify the service. i.e. Mold testing, Sewage inspection
Cost is the price of the service
Duration of the service is defined in hours. Hours and portion of hours can be defined with decimals or by using the up and down arrows to the right of the field
Templates associated with service is used to assign a default template to the service provided
Agreements associated with service, just like templates, a default agreement can be assigned to the service
Lastly, Description can be used to add an internal description of the service
Once the service description is complete click the green Done button in the bottom right corner of the screen
Editing a service
Services can be easily modified to reflect changes in availability, time, or pricing.
To edit a service, find it in the list of services your company offers and click its edit (pencil icon) button. Once you've made the required changes to the service, click the green Done button.
Deleting a service
The process of deleting a service is easy, like editing a service, first find the service you wish to delete in the list of offerings provided by your company. Click the delete (red trashcan) button and confirm your choice in the window that pops up.