Getting started
Capturing photos and video
Media, such as photos and video, can be included in inspection lines as well as in comments. Pictures or other media may be added to the line to show the overall item being inspected. For example, an inspector might take pictures of a roof to show that they looked at it. These pictures may not have anything to do with a specific comment/rating made by the inspector. In this situation, it would be better to put the media under a line instead of under a specific comment.
Adding media to Lines
With an inspection open, navigate to the category containing the line that needs a photo/video and tap on the category name
Under the line that needs media, tap on the camera icon
Choose Video or Photo from the buttons at the bottom of the app
Point your device to the object/location that needs to be captured and press the round capture button at the bottom to capture the media. Multiple pictures and videos can be taken at once
When finished, press the blue Done button
Adding media to Comments
Within the line that has the comment that needs media, tap the Comments tab to the top of the app
Checkmark the box for the comment you wish to apply to the line
The comment will expand with several new options, tap on Add Media
Choose Video or Photo from the buttons at the bottom of the app
Point your device to the object/location that needs to be captured and press the round capture button at the bottom
When finished press the blue Done button
Delete photos and video
Photos and videos can be deleted from an inspection from within the Media menu
Tap the Media button of the line or comment that contains the photo or video you need to delete
Tap the ellipsis (β’β’β’) button in the top right corner of the app
Select Delete
Tap the delete icon for each of the photos or videos you wish to delete and confirm your choice
Editing photos and videos
To learn how to edit photos and videos visit their user guides here: