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How to get Palmtech Complete
Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over 2 months ago

Getting started

Palmtech Complete can be accessed from any modern device with a web browser and active internet connection or the mobile app. There is nothing that needs to be installed to access Palmtech from your browser.

Install app on iPhone or iPad

Install app on Android devices

Install app on computers like PCs or Macs

For assistance with logging into the app after it's been downloaded and installed

On Apple iOS devices (iPhone/iPad)


Install Palmtech Complete from the Apple App Store following these steps:

  1. On your iPhone/iPad open the App Store app and use the search bar at the bottom of the screen to find Palmtech Complete

  2. Tap on the app to open its details page

  3. Tap the Get button to start the download process

  4. If prompted, enter your Apple ID password or use Touch ID or Face ID to confirm the download

  5. Wait for the app to finish downloading

  6. Once the download is complete, tap the Open button to launch the app, or find it on your home screen or app drawer.

For assistance with logging into the app after it's been downloaded and installed, use the following guide: How do I log into Palmtech?

On Android devices (Samsung, Motorola, Google, etc.)


Install the Palmtech Complete app following these steps:

  1. On your Android device open the Google Play Store app and use the search bar to find Palmtech Complete

  2. Tap on the app to open its details page

  3. Tap the Install button to start the installation process

  4. Wait for the app to finish downloading and installing

  5. Once the installation is complete, tap the Open button to launch the app, or find it on your home screen or app drawer

For assistance with logging into the app after it's been downloaded and installed, use the following guide: How do I log into Palmtech?

PCs, Macs, and Chromebooks


Palmtech Complete can be accessed from any modern device with a web browser and active internet connection such as those devices that run on Windows and macOS. There is nothing that needs to be installed to access Palmtech from your browser.

Palmtech Complete can be accessed through the following link:

For step by step assistance with accessing Palmtech Complete on PCs, Macs, or Chromebooks use the following guide: How do I log into Palmtech?

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