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How do I set default ratings?
Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over 2 months ago

Getting started

Why use default ratings?

Setting up default ratings through the Template Editor allows these ratings to automatically appear on your inspection reports, saving you time and reducing extra clicks. This feature is especially useful for comments that consistently receive the same rating, as you won't need to manually select the rating each time. Additionally, pre-assigning ratings helps keep your comments organized by ensuring the appropriate rating is always attached.

Setting up default ratings

Follow these steps to automate the usage of ratings:

  1. Select the template you want to edit

  2. Find the comment you want to automate with a rating by navigating to the Category and then Line that contains the comment

  3. Tap the Select Default Rating option and choose the rating you want to mark the comment with
    ​Note: Ratings marked with a flag icon will always show up in the report summary

  4. The page will load and a confirmation of the changes made will show up

  5. Save and Publish the template for use

automated rating.gif
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