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How do I add an inspection agreement?
Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over 2 months ago

You can add your inspection agreement so that it is part of every inspection report you create with Palmtech. The process for adding is done on the PC. Once complete, it is available on both the mobile app and the PC.

  1. The first step for adding your agreement is to add a new category for it. To do this click on Tools → Add Category.

  2. Next, you will be prompted with the following question ‘Do you want to copy an existing category?’. Click ‘No’.

  3. Next, you can enter the new category’s name. For this example, we’ll call it ‘Inspection Agreement’. You’ll also want to uncheck the box for ‘Use Line Numbers and Ratings in printed report’. Click on ‘OK’ when finished.

  4. Now pick where you want the new category to show in the category list. Click on the category you want the new category to appear under (or click ‘Insert at Top’). Let’s click ‘Insert at Top’ so that it is the first category in the report. Click ‘OK’ when finished.

  5. The category has now been added. Next, we need to add the inspection agreement component. To do this, first, click on the ‘Inspection Agreement’ category (you’ll notice that it is empty) and then go to Tools → Add Component.

  6. On the ‘Add Component’ screen select the ‘Inspection Agreement’ component from the component list and then click ‘OK’ to continue.

  7. The ‘Inspection Agreement’ component will now be added to the category. The component is broken up into 3 sections. The first section includes basic information about your company and the property you are inspecting. It uses merge fields to auto-populate this information from what is entered in the General Information category. The second section is a single line that you can click to add the actual text of your agreement. The final section is a line that includes a spot where you can collect an electronic signature from your client and the date.

  8. To add the text of your inspection agreement, click on the line in section two.

  9. This will bring up the ‘Edit Note’ screen. By default, it includes some information that serves as a placeholder and you can easily remove it by highlighting it and deleting it out. From there you can type in your agreement, or most inspectors will simply copy it from another location (PDF, Word Doc, etc) and paste it in.

  10. Once you’ve added the text for your agreement, click on ‘OK’ in the top right corner.

  11. Your inspection agreement has now been added. By going to Tools → Save as Template you can create a new version of your template that includes the inspection agreement by default so you will not have to add it in again.

Video Walkthrough

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