At the top of most categories in your inspection, there is a Disclaimer button that allows you to enter any text that you want to show up at the top of that category on the report. This can be used to put in a wide variety of information but is typically used for items such as standards of practice, what an inspector does and does not inspect for that area of the home, common safety and maintenance tips that homeowners could find helpful, environmental information about the area of the home and much more.
The first step is to tap on the 'Disclaimer' icon at the top of the category you want to add a disclaimer too.
This will bring up the ‘Disclaimer’ screen. To add in a disclaimer tap in the entry box.
This brings up your device's keyboard where you can type in the desired disclaimer.
If you would like the disclaimer you entered to appear for this category with all new inspections you create moving forward, tap the ‘Make Default Disclaimer’ button. After you tap this a message will appear letting you know the new default disclaimer has been set.
Once you have finished entering your disclaimer tap the ‘Choose Line’ button in the top left corner of the screen to go to the previous screen.
The first step is to click on the category that you want to add a disclaimer to in the Category List on the left of the main screen. Let's add a generic disclaimer to the Lots and Grounds category.
Next, click on the disclaimer button at the top of the category.
This will bring up the ‘Edit Disclaimer’ screen. To enter a disclaimer simply click in the white box and type it in. You can also copy and paste text from another document into the disclaimer to save time.
When you have finished entering your disclaimer click ‘OK'. If you want the disclaimer you added in to be there by default with every new inspection you start, then click ‘Make default disclaimer’ and the next time you start a new inspection the disclaimer will be there.