Palmtech automatically saves your inspection files and PDFs by default in the Palm-Tech90
folder which is located in C:\Documents\Palm-Tech90. If you are receiving an error message when you try to move your inspection file from 'Cloud' to 'Local' on your PC that says 'file not found' then you will need to reset your inspection file location.
This article will walk you through resetting the inspection files' location back to the default location.
The first step is to open Palmtech on the PC and click on the 'Support' button (bottom left corner).
Next, select Program Settings.
In Program Settings, you will have an option for ‘Inspection Files Location’ and it will show what the current inspection files location is set to. To the right, click on the ‘Locate’ button to change the inspection files' location.
Now, simply navigate to the C:\Documents\Palm-Tech90 folder and click OK.
Your inspection files' location has now been reset to the default location.