Getting started
Palmtech Complete makes scheduling and managing inspections easy. With a few clicks, you can streamline your scheduling process and save time. New appointments can be created from either the Portal or the App.
Learn how to schedule an inspection through the web portal:
Schedule an inspection through the app:
Drafts — creating, editing, and deleting them:
Scheduling through the portal
From anywhere within the portal click the New Inspection button in the top-left corner of the screen, or, click on Inspections in the navigation
Within the Inspections view, click on the green Add new + button on the right side of the screen
A new Schedule an Inspection window will appear with five different sections to fill out
Basic Details requires the date for the inspection, a time, and the Inspector who will be performing the inspection
Property Details is used to populate the address where the inspection will be done
Client Details is where the name of the client is added. If the inspection is for a new client, the + Add New button within the Select Client prompt can be used to create a new client
Agent Details requires the name of the buyer's and/or seller's agent. The blue Add Another Buyer's/Seller's Agent + buttons can be used to add the details of the agent if they don't yet exist. Note: This section can be skipped if there are no agents involved by tapping Next
Lastly, Services is used to add the services being performed during the inspection, an existing inspection template can be selected from this screen, along with an agreement. Custom charges and discount amounts can be added, along with descriptions, at the bottom of this screen using the blue Add custom charge and Add discount buttons respectively.
Once all sections are filled the current inspection can be saved as a draft for later use, or scheduled
Scheduling through the app
Tap the blue New Inspection button at the bottom of the screen
A new Create new order window will appear with five different sections to fill out
Basic Information requires the date for the inspection, a time, and the Inspector who will be fulfilling the request
Property Details is used to populate the address where the inspection will be done
Client Details is where the name of the client is added. If the inspection is for a new client, the blue Add another client + button can be used to create a new client
Agent Details requires the name of the buyer's and/or seller's agent. The blue Add another buyer's/seller's agent + buttons can be used to add the details of the agent if they don't yet exist. Note: This section can be skipped if there are no agents involved by tapping Next
Finally, the last step is to add the Services being done during the inspection. You can choose from your list of inspection templates and agreements. You can also add any extra charges or discounts. You can do this by using the Add custom charge and Add discount buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Once you've finished filling out all the sections, you can save the inspection as a draft to use later, or you can schedule it right away.
Inspection drafts
Inspection drafts can be created for review and revision before their final version is scheduled. It serves as a starting point for the inspection, allowing for the quick gathering of information when you might not be ready to officially schedule the inspection or while you are waiting for all the needed details.
When creating a new inspection, the final screen provides you with the option to save the inspection as a draft or schedule it.
Drafts can be edited and then scheduled, or deleted if no longer needed.
Editing a draft
Once a draft is saved, it can be accessed from within the Inspections tab of the portal. Drafts are badged using an orange Draft image.
To edit a draft, click its Edit icon to the right of the screen.
Once the inspection draft is ready to be scheduled, use the green Schedule button within the Schedule an Inspection flow to schedule it.