Getting started
Creating and managing your inspection agreements is easy in Palmtech Complete. You can add your own language or use the default agreement. You can have multiple agreements and can pick which services they are used for.
Create a personalized inspection agreement from scratch:
Learn how to edit an existing agreement:
Delete an agreement you no longer require:
Link a provided service to an agreement:
Inspection agreements can be sent out automatically:
Creating a new agreement
From the portal Dashboard, click on your profile name and picture in the top right corner and then choose Settings
Within the Account Settings view, click on the Agreements button
If this is your first time using the Agreements feature a new window will appear with a legal disclaimer for using Palmtech's default agreement. To use the default agreement, please read and accept the terms and conditions in the disclaimer.
Create a new agreement by clicking the green Add new + button
The agreement will be editable within the on-screen document editor. All the common text edit options are available such as making text bold, changing its size, font, color, including links, indenting, creating lists, and more. To read more about the document editor, read its user guide.
The Insert placeholders window on the right allows you to quickly add placeholders to the agreement. Choose where in the document they'll go before clicking the placeholder to insert them. Read more about placeholders here: Placeholders
Editing an agreement
From the portal Dashboard, click on your profile name and picture in the top right corner and then choose Settings
Within the Account Settings view, click on the Agreements button
Find the agreement you wish to edit and click its name, or, click the Edit button to the right of the screen
Make the required changes to the agreement
Once finished, click the green Save Agreement button at the bottom of the screen
Deleting an agreement
From the portal Dashboard, click on your profile name and picture in the top right corner and then choose Settings
Within the Account Settings view, click on the Agreements button
Find the agreement you wish to delete and click the Delete button to the right of the screen
Confirm your choice in the pop-up window that appears
Assigning an agreement to a service
When creating a new service (Services are reached from within Settings by selecting the Services and fees option), a default agreement can be assigned to that service.
At the Add Service screen, use the Agreements associated with this service drop-down option to select the default agreement of your choosing.
Agreement notifications
Agreements can be sent out automatically using the Notifications section of the portal. To learn more about managing automated notifications visit the guide: Managing Automated Notifications