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The Palmtech Complete Portal
Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over 2 months ago

The Palmtech Portal is how you access Palmtech from the web. This works together with the Palmtech mobile app to help you run your business and write reports.


  1. From the main screen, you can use the New Inspection button in the top-left corner of the screen to create a new inspection.

  2. In the top-right corner of the screen the Search bar is available to search through the portal.

  3. Settings can be accessed from anywhere inside the portal by clicking your name in the top-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu is shown that also contains the Sign out option.



The Dashboard gives you a quick overview of key business metrics, your route for that day, and a look at your upcoming inspections.



The Calendar provides a chronological view of the inspections and events your company has scheduled. New inspections or events can be added to the calendar from this screen.



Inspections displays a complete overview of your inspections and their current status. You can quickly search for inspections and access a specific one to perform any necessary actions.



Agents presents a list of all the agents in your database, along with their contact information and relevant details for each. You can also add new agents in this section.



Templates is where you manage and edit your templates. It contains all of the templates, published and unpublished, which can be used for inspections. New templates can be created from this section as well.



Notifications is where you go to manage the communications that go out to customers. Here you can customize the messages as well as choose who receives them.



Metrics offers valuable insights into the performance of your business. Each section, and metric, can be viewed with more details by hovering your mouse over it.

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