In the event that you forget your password, you can reset it by following the steps provided here:
Your Palmtech password can be reset from the portal's login screen using the Forgot password link. Once clicked, a new screen asking for the email associated with your Palmtech account will appear.
After an email address is submitted, a new screen confirming the submission will appear requesting that you check the email account that was entered.
If the email you entered is associated with a Palmtech account you'll receive an email with additional steps to follow to reset your password. Otherwise see what to do if you reset your password but didn't receive a confirmation email.
After following the steps on the password reset email, you'll be greeted by a new password creation form. Enter a new password to use for your Palmtech account.
All set! You can now use your new password to log into Palmtech Complete.
I reset my password but didn't receive a confirmation email
In the event that you reset your password but have not yet received a confirmation email in your inbox please follow these steps:
Check your Spam/Junk box
Check the spelling or domain (@gmail, @outlook, @yahoo, etc.) of the email address you entered
If the email isn't in your Spam/Junk box and the spelling and/or domain of the address you entered are correct, the email you entered is not the one associated with your Palmtech account. Please contact support for further assistance.