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Portal Dashboard
Matt Wheeler avatar
Written by Matt Wheeler
Updated over 2 months ago

The Portal's Dashboard shows a summary of the business’s month-to-date inspections and financial details, a map with your route for the day, and a detailed list of the upcoming inspections.

Note: When accessing the Portal with an account whose role is an inspector, the This Month's Summary section will show you a summary of your metrics only, whereas admin and owner roles can see the entire business's metrics. To learn more about roles, read the following guide: Managing Teams


Daily route

The Daily route view shows a list of the inspections scheduled for the day with a map of the locations for the inspections. The blue See full map link can be clicked to see a fullscreen view of the interactive map.

Upcoming Inspections

This section shows a detailed list of the inspections scheduled by you. Clicking on an inspection will redirect you to that inspection's detailed view. Clicking the blue See all inspections link will take you to the complete list of inspections currently scheduled.

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