Palmtech Complete allows you to interact with the app using spoken language rather than manually navigating through the app with voice commands.
Setup voice commands
To use voice commands, tap the microphone icon
in the top right corner of the app
Grant the app access to your device's microphone
Once permission is granted, you can begin to use voice commands. Note: Permission to the microphone may have already been granted previously when using the camera to record video. If so, the permission prompt will not show up
3. Speak a command, the app will process the audio and carry out the appropriate action. The voice commands system is flexible enough to where it can recognize slight misspronounciations, for example saying "Exteriors" instead of "Exterior".
Using voice commands
Palmtech Complete uses three different voice command prompts:
Go to
Take a picture/video
The Go to command
In Palmtech Complete, use the Go to voice command to navigate to a specific location in your active inspection report. The category or line must already be present in your inspection template, otherwise Palmtech Complete won't be able to navigate to it.
Go to commands could be:
Go to category name
e.g. Go to Exterior
Go to category/line name in category/line name
e.g. Go to Bathroom or Go to Kitchen Sink
The Add a command
The Add a command allows you to input text directly into either the active line or the line you specify with the command.
Example Add a commands:
Add a comment
If there is a line open, open the comment tab
Add a comment to category line name
e.g. Add a comment to Exterior Windows
The Take a command
The Take a voice command provides an easy way of adding photos or video to your inspection.
Take a could be used like so:
Take a picture
Add a picture to the currently open line
Take a picture of line name
Add a picture to Sub panel
Take a video
Add a video to the currently open line
Take a video of line name
Add a video to Toilets
Encountering multiple matches
Palmtech Complete will automatically notify you whenever several matches are found for your search. For example, asking to be taken to Windows will provide with a list of every match for your search, from that screen you can tap the exact option you desire.